Thursday, June 26, 2008

Weekend Challenge-Make a Small Album

My friend,Phyllis Rollins, RAK'd me with a wonderful bit of goods. Some large slices of Basic Grey paper and a packet of 4x4 coasters-which I didn't know what to do with-until I saw a tutorial on SCS -that used the coasters to make mini albums. When I got the first one done (I made 3) I realized these were just the right size to showcase my Nickelbacks. Thanks to Kim Andersen, Phyllis Rollins, Dena Sawka, Tammy Whitney , Paulette Akagi, and Diane Teoh for the lovely art that graces my book. The tutorial is HERE. Ummm, Tammy did I get yours turned the wrong way?


Anonymous said...

Your album is amazing! Your photography is great too. Coming here and clicking on the larger pics really show off all the great details on these.

Phyllis said...

so glad you're using your "stuff",
I love this little book, and can't wait to try something like that.

Cute flower test, I'm an Iris :-)