This week I have offered my friends on SCS a Sketch Challenge-kind of unusual for ATCers. This first pic is the challenge design. Did you ever start a piece of art with a simple, quick idea-then the whole story behind the art grows and grows?
I started out to make a card to answer my own challenge-then I thought I should just make a card for another swap I am in-Sharon's Pick a Theme 8 on SCS-then wondered which theme to pick-then I thought Jan Darrah's theme of ""opposites" would be a good fit-then I looked for images like "young and old" etc..-then I opened my order from Inka stamps and there was a lovely transparentcy of a fisherman and his little daughter as a gift-BINGO!
So my card is about "Opposites":
Land and Sea
Blue and Brown
Father and Daughter
Staying and Going
Now I think my card has become about my youngest child leaving home-the longing to stay and the longing to go-I think that is what my husband, my daughter and I are all feeling-torn in two about the change in our lives. A little irony in the picture is the little girl has a boat in her hand-she feels the same pull as her father. And as some of my friends know my oldest daughter left earlier this year to work on an adventure cruise ship in the Alaskan waters, now my second daughter will join her-a continent away......Another piece of irony is that my husband was born in Alaska-and left as a toddler. So strangely enough-my card is also about daughters following their father's footsteps...
This is completely wonderful, I have goosebumps after reading your story, I love you Suz! Can't find my password, so for today, I shall be Anonymous :-)
This is just stunning .... thank you so much for telling the beautiful story unfolding within it .... and within your family. Beautiful!
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